Margo Tassi
For a number of years, Margo Tassi has worked in the Port Maitland/Beaver River area near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. There she is near the Gulf of Maine and several lakes. Tassi creates her images in oils and watercolors, and also uses photos, etchings, and woodblock prints to explore her subject. Many of her prints have been done from sumi-ink drawings that were done directly from nature. Etchings and woodblock prints interest her because of their connection to drawing and because they demand a totally different way of thinking about color. Prints are an integral part of her work in the way they allow her to see both subject and painting in a new light.
DOWN THE COAST, etching with aquatint, 15 3/8" x 15 3/8"
TREES, BEAVER RIVER, hand colored etching, 7 7/8" x 9 7/8"
THE PATH OF WATER, etching with aquatint, 25" x 19"
BETWEEN TWO ROCKS, hand colored etching, 15 3/8" x 15 3/8"
DUNE HOUSE, 3 plate etching with aquatint and chine colle Artist Proof, 4 1/2"x 4 1/2"